January 27-February 21, 2025

Well-Being Month features four plenaries and a Well-Being presentation sponsored by Bucksbaum-Siegler that are open to all.  GME will also host FREE social activities aimed at providing the UChicago community the opportunity to come together to create (candle making workshop) and relax (chair massages).

Plenary Schedule (click to download):

Residents, fellows, program directors, associate program directors, and program coordinators will receive calendar invites with zoom links to register for these events. Others may access our flyer with zoom links on SharePoint (log in required) or email gmeoffice@uchicagomedicine.org.

Well-Being Month

FREE Social Activities!

Well-Being MonthWell-Being Month


January 29, 2025 | 4:30pmWell-Being Workshop for Programs

This interactive session is open to all Program Directors, Program Coordinators, Chief Residents, and Program Well-Being Representatives.  Join us as we discuss ways to refresh your well-being curriculum.

February 6, 2025 | 5:30pmParenting with Purpose

This workshop is open to all residents and fellows who are parents and those considering parenting during residency or fellowship.

Well-Being MonthWell-Being Month